In South Carolina, there are a variety of options for Pre-K, also known as 4-year-old Kindergarten, 4-year-old preschool, or 4K available to families. These Pre-K programs are described in more detail in the EOC’s annual report of state funded 4K.


Data Notes

  • When exploring data, some information is suppressed and will not be displayed in order to protect student privacy. Student demographic groups made of less than 20 students will not show.
  • Full-Day State-Funded Full-Day 4K (or CERDEP) includes those programs administered by the SC Department of Education (SCDE) and the South Carolina Office of First Steps to School Readiness (SCFS). In this dashboard, these experiences are referred to as CERDEP 4K and First Steps, respectively. These programs include public schools, non-profit independent schools and childcare centers.
  • Students served by Head Start are not included in the numerator or denominator of Pupils in Poverty served/not served by Full-Day State-Funded Full-Day 4K.
  • School year represents the year in which the KRA was administered, i.e., "2022" filters to show  students tested in the 2021-22 school year. 


  • Clicking a district on the map will create a district filter. To clear the filter, click within the district again.
  • To reset the map zoom, click the home icon to the left of the map.
  • If experiencing issues in tablet or mobile view, click the “Aa” next to the url and request mobile version.
  • If unable to scroll in tablet view or mobile view, try scrolling in the margins to the left or right of the dashboard border.